I am an attorney in Austin, Texas, practicing music law and intellectual property litigation at Reed & Scardino, an intellectual property boutique firm. My path to my current position has been winding but rewarding, and my career combines two equally important pursuits in my life: the gift of gab and music.
At the beginning of my freshmen year in high school, I started two activities that would eventually shape my life. I joined my school’s debate team, and I started playing the guitar. My debate path took off immediately and has stuck with me for decades. After winning a state championship as a high school debater, I debated (quite unsuccessfully) in college. I then taught and coached for six years at a high school in Austin, where I was fortunate enough to coach multiple state finalists and a state champion public speaker. I left teaching (and Austin) to attend Georgetown Law in Washington, DC, where I lived for four years before moving back to Austin to work at Reed & Scardino.
Compared to my careers revolving around persuading others, my music ability was slow but steady. It took five years for me to be able to play a single song on an acoustic guitar, and another five years before I could sing and play at the same time. In the meantime, I attended hundreds of shows and bought thousands of records. I am a geek about all things music: guitars, records, labels, bands, production, vintage recording equipment, and the industry itself. And I am fortunate to find myself in a career where I can combine my gift of gab and my love of music as an attorney in the music industry. This blog is a combination of those worlds with one goal in mind: to make music law understandable and accessible for everyone.